Celebrity News

Gwyneth Paltrow: “Sex keeps me young”

Gwyneth Paltrow: "Sex keeps me young"

While most celebrities credit a beauty cream or super food as the key to staying young, Gwyneth Paltrow isn’t one of them.

The 40-year-old actress credits her youthful looks to sex and self-discovery.

Gwyneth, who is known for her controversial lifestyle choices, said there’s not much to it.

“Honestly, it’s pretty basic stuff, like exercise and self-discovery,” she told OK! US recently.

“Looking at life as an opening and an adventure – and love and sex.”

The Iron Man 3 star is currently taking time away from the big screen to spend time with her two children and husband Chris Martin of Coldplay.

“You realise that the love you have for the people in your life, and their love for you, is all that matters,” she said.

Gwyneth recently opened up about the miscarriage of her third child which almost killed her, and said she is still “missing” the baby.

Gwyneth said she is open to having more children and that her two kids always ask for another sibling.

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