Celebrity News

Jodhi Meares faces jail time over DUI charges

Former Australian model Jodhi Meares could face up to 18 months jail time for high range drink driving after she crashed her car in Sydney.

The 43-year-old was allegedly three times over the drink-driving limit when she crashed a 4WD into three parked cars. She was also driving with a suspended licence. She was arrested at the scene and charged with high-range drink driving and driving while suspended.

Witnesses said they had to rescue Meares from her rolled 4WD around 9:30pm Saturday night in the prestige Sydney neighbourhood of Bellevue Hill.

The ex-wife of billionaire James packer, who returned a blood-alcohol reading of 0.181, escaped unharmed but left two parked cars with substantial damage and both needed to be towed from the scene.

She will appear before Waverley Local Court in August.

Jodhi Meares facing jail over drink-driving

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