
Why Kale is the super food of 2013

Why Kale is the super food of 2013

Thanks to praise from Gwyneth Paltrow and Heidi Klum, everyone knows Kale is the ‘it’ super food, but this humble green is more than just a gimmick – it’s here to stay!

From healthy bones to immune boosting qualities, Kale is certainly the leafy green you should stock up on and here’s why:

Natural digestive

One cup of kale has just 36 calories, 5 grams of fibre and 0 grams of fat. Thanks to its high fibre content, Kale is a great natural form of aiding digestion.

Kale is the new beef

Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef. It is the key ingredient to getting enough iron for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. With iron deficiencies in non-vegetarians on the rise, kale is a great option to get your daily dose of iron.

Bone friendly

Kale has a higher concentration of calcium than milk and holds the key to maintaining healthy bones. Apart from having a high concentration of calcium , it’s also better absorbed by the body than dairy foods.

Detox winner

Being full of fibre and sulphur, Kale is the perfect detox food. It’s a great choice if you are undergoing a detox or trying to keep your liver healthy.

Bright sight

Kale can put a stop to macular degeneration as it is extremely rich in an antioxidant called lutein. Having a lutein-rich diet lessens the chance of having future eye sight difficulties.

Cancer protector

Kale is high in vitamin K, the vitamin that protects against various cancers. Vitamin K also aids a number of other daily functions, assists with healthy bones, prevents blood clotting and Alzheimer ’s disease.

Pregnancy booster

Kale has more folic acid than broccoli, making it the perfect supplement for women trying to conceive or to consume within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. A folic acid-rich diet, which is rich in vitamin B, also helps protects against birth defects.

Immunity boost

Kale is packed with antioxidants. So much so, that an 80g portion of Kale contains 56 per cent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and 70 per cent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Both are the key ingredients to keeping infectious bugs at bay, with vitamin C assisting with metabolism and hydration health. Kale is also packed with many nutrients, vitamins, folate and magnesium.

Try: Woman’s Day’s Chicken, kale and cherry salad or Chicken and kale tray bake.

Kale is also the perfect green ingredient to add to a smoothie of vegie juice.

Kale chips are another easy and healthy option. Simply spread chopped pieces of kale on a baking tray, sprinkle with oil and cook on low (around 150 C) until crispy.

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